Our Story

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing!

Our journey began with a vision to redefine beauty and skincare. Founded by passionate dermatologists and skincare enthusiasts, Jamalha Plus Cosmeceuticals emerged as a beacon of innovation and excellence in the field of aesthetics. We embarked on a mission to empower individuals to embrace their unique beauty while offering products and treatments that reflect our commitment to science, artistry, and care.

Expertise in Aesthetics

At Jamalha Plus Cosmeceuticals, expertise is our foundation. Our team comprises dermatologists, skincare specialists, and professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. With a deep understanding of skin biology and the latest advancements, we pride ourselves on offering cutting-edge solutions that combine scientific precision with artistic finesse.


What we are good at.

Meet our team

Our company in faces.

Personalized Care

We understand that every individual’s skin is unique, and so are their aspirations. That’s why personalized care is at the core of everything we do. Our consultations and treatments are tailored to address specific needs, ensuring that each journey towards healthier, more radiant skin is as individual as you are.

Quality Assurance

Quality is woven into the fabric of our brand. From sourcing the finest ingredients to using advanced manufacturing processes, we uphold the highest standards of quality. Every product and treatment is rigorously tested to ensure safety, effectiveness, and an exceptional experience for our clients.

Global Reach, Local Roots

While our reach extends internationally, our roots remain firmly grounded. Based in Saudi Arabia, we take pride in our heritage while contributing to the global aesthetics landscape. Our partnerships with dermatologists in Saudi Arabia and manufacturers in Europe reflect our dedication to fostering collaborations that elevate the industry.

Client-Centric Approach

Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. From the moment you step into our world, you become part of a community that values your individuality. Our client-centric approach emphasizes open communication, genuine care, and a commitment to delivering results that exceed your expectations.

Innovation and Research

Innovation is our driving force. We invest in continuous research and development to ensure that our products and treatments remain on the cutting edge of the industry. By staying ahead of the curve, we offer you access to the latest advancements that redefine what's possible in skincare.

Empowering Confidence

More than skincare, we offer empowerment. Confidence is the true essence of beauty, and we're here to help you embrace it fully. Our products and services are designed to enhance your natural features, restore vitality, and ultimately, empower you to radiate confidence and beauty from within.

Free consultation!

